Sunday, December 13, 2020

Book Review: "The Spark" By Jules Wake

Serendipity or madness - you decide!

The Spark was magnificent with so much to fall in love with and plenty to wish away.

Jess loves Sam and Sam seems to love Jess but there's one problem Victoria the ex girlfriend left almost at the alter cannot get over the loss.

So what's one to do when all parties can't agree?

Well, in this case it's lead to heartbreak hotel, ugly bickering, and undeniable affections. 

However, upon closer examination one must address how it all came to be and perhaps take a longer examination of the past. The past that includes both families and why these two seem to be unable to unite peacefully.

Were did the parents go wrong?

What involvement might they have in telling this story?

How can they help these two find their happy place?

With mental breakdowns, harsh rhetoric, and inner turmoil it's a fantastical romance that creates the spark and ignites the passion for eternity.

In the end the request for further interaction and long term aspects was the icing on the cake courtesy of Jules Wake.

Love, Love, Love!!

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