Monday, December 7, 2020

Book Review: "Burn Our Bodies Down" By Rory Power

It's a three for one deal but you never know what you might get on this hot new work from Rory Power.

It's a Fire and Ice scenario that sometimes develops into things not fully coming together and this was one of those occasions in which more description, more emotion, more connection was desperately needed.

Mystery, suspense, thrills and chills is what I seek however, it's difficult to understand with such short sentences and mind games to the point I had to stop and re-read sentences to comprehend and still couldn't make sense of some of the action or overall intention.

There wasn't much in terms of plot twists to the final seconds of this work involving two dead bodies, and Gram always lingering to save the day.

In terms of the fire it's quite apparent that it's one of those -ashes to ashes and dust to dust-types but it ends with some destructive ways between apparent twins.

Surely, Margot is left to carry on solo but the main premise was why the mother left and the entire plot seems focused on everything but the mother. The Gram, Tess, Eli, the location, the fire, the house, the deaths... My word I just want to know the significance of Mom but Gram took over.

Lord knows, this is one of those slow burns while it did pick up it was too little too late for my taste.

I hope you find this helpful and I hope you enjoy because if you're into pretzel twist that are constantly twirling in and out without substance than this is for you.

I love pretzels but I prefer mine covered in chocolate as to add some flavor.
If you get what I mean...

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