Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Book Review: "Memories in the Drift" By Melissa Payne

Brilliance magnified ten fold is what you'll find with Melissa Payne's exciting new work -Memories in the Drift.

Not only does she capture the heart and soul of each character but she brings them all together in one magnificent ending.

It begins with Claire's loss of memory but why has she suddenly gone into darkness?
Could amnesia be the problem? Is it a medical condition? Was there trauma to the brain?
As readers ponder why this 36 year old woman with everything to offer is now struggling to get by the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

Claire was in love with her boyfriend of the past Tate. She dreamt of one day marrying him and having a life together.

That life including procreation and bringing in a new vision to the world.
However, everything was upended after she experienced a seizure during a painfully traumatic experience.

As the story unfolds we learn what she thought she had lost was suddenly found.
The ultimate focus and goal became clear and the pathways opened up like the parting of the Red Sea.

This story will make you laugh, cry, and count your blessings because what's been lost is now found and the closure it all brings is just outstanding for the readers.

While it was not an easy path it was a path that forged up and made who Claire ultimately became and for that we're all grateful.

Thank you to Melissa, the pub, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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