Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Book Review: "The Stranger in the Mirror" By Liv Constantine

Imagine building a life with a new man only to uncover your past life comes calling with a vengeance and you can't recall a darn thing because of having amnesia.

Addison may have more in common with Julian's situation than one may think and by far this was not hard to connect the dots yet it's that appeal to learn more, to need facts, to displace memories to fit the narrative that keeps readers engaged and seeking more.

Throughout this thrills, chills, and spills we uncover that Addison was found on the side of the road via a trucker in Jersey but her story is just beginning.

Meanwhile Julian is yearning the loss of Cassandra his wife who disappeared in Boston as Valentina needs her mother and he needs his wife... Or does he?

Give me a second to check the distance from Boston to New Jersey... oh us northern folks are so pesky with details.

Now, it's a back and forth see-saw of events because the other fact of the matter is not everything appears the right size when you look into mirrors these days. Many are distorted or enlarged for detail and depending on which way you look into this mirror of life it can look back at you with regret, remorse, or even anxious ways.

Would you recognize the person in that mirror?

Just food for thought but as we explore this windy road we learn that not everything is as it appears to be and there's evil lurking around every twist and turn.

No pun intended, but I've married the king of the manipulation roller coaster and ladies let me tell you they will go to obscene lengths to convince themselves and others that you are the problem.

Some take this danger zone too far by formatting the scene to appear exactly how they wish it to be viewed and in the world of narcissists this is not that difficult to accomplish. 

Brain washing, gaslighting, and that empty bottomless black pit of souls is what comes to mind and this book brings it with gusto!

You will be blown away so hold on tight and look forward never back...

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