Saturday, December 26, 2020

Book Review: The Chicken Sisters By K.J. Dell' Antonia

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!

As someone who reads many genres this was a pleasant addition creating a whirlwind of familial situations, a bit of sibling rivalry, and plenty of down home cooked recipes for all to enjoy.

In fact, it's that experience in the culinary arts that leads these two siblings to go head-to-head in a battle of epic proportions for the title of the best restaurant with the ultimate prize- MONEY! As K.J. Dell' Antonia describes it, Amanda sends an SOS to Food Wars, the reality TV restaurant competition that promises $100,000 to the winner.

Now, if that doesn't wet the whistle and make the tummy grow fonder...

Oh, but the entire thread that's woven, the dire circumstances, and finally the love wins out.
Loved it all as it examines a close knit family and the bonds that bind to embrace their family heritage and rid the unending differences between them.

I'll drink to that!...Oh, but I don't drink, so it's a cup of tea for me and off I go.
Till we meet again my friends!

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