Saturday, December 19, 2020

Book Review: "Bag Man" By Rachel Maddow

Pay to play is still alive and well even in today's gameplay!

Sadly, not much has changed in the world of corruption, fraud, bribery, tax evasion, and the like from the days of the early 70's when Spiro Agnew then V.P. found himself in hot water.
Or did he ...

Because it appears that he was given a lenient 'Get out of Jail Free' card until a group of young male law students help to recoup the money.

Now, I'm no scholar in this area but suffice to say Agnew did everything to 'cover up' and claim 'witch hunt' so who shall this remind us of in our own country?

DT has been given the same monopoly card and we can only hope once out of office he'll be charged for the crimes committed allegedly while in office.

Because there's no doubt what has led to this book revolves around our current state of affairs or lack thereof in not prosecuting a sitting president. The Agnew case showcased why it's important to not only investigate but bring to fruition the truths, the transparency, the justice so that the public is aware that not all offices are corrupt as noted in this book.

Thankfully, some of the damages were recovered from this nightmare and we can only hope the same can be said after DT leaves or is forcibly removed from the White House.

A great read as not much is known on this subject and it's interesting to connect the dots to today's revolving constantly altering the law and ethical standards to fit the agenda's.

As I write this there's been breaking news on misappropriated or 'stolen' funds by Jared Kushner from the campaign and it's been similar allegations made since this family took office.

As they noted on Hillary the same should be referenced now, "Lock Him Up."

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