Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Book Review: "Female Firebrands" By Mikaela Kiner


"Female Firebrands is an honest, modern, and solutions-oriented guide for dealing with situations working women know all too well: sexual harassment, not being taken seriously, and being talked over, passed over, underpaid, and underappreciated. Mid-career professional women will read this book and know they're not alone. Women earlier in their careers can save years of heartache and frustration by learning what's worked for women who came before them."

This was just the beginning as gender equality, decades of oppression, Disney showcased 'out of touch' feminine characters as princesses needing to be saved, and silencing of women was exactly what females have to undergo and need to fix.

They say if you don't like something change it yet who knew that would include death threats for speaking out, silencing, loss of jobs full fledged careers, or worse.

The Imposter Syndrome is certainly real and the Pence Effort is just the start of this downward slope in which the #METOO movement has placed a new light upon this horrific white male privileged behavior.

The leader and poster child is no other than 'DT' but we must note that he's not alone with his enablers, loyal followers, and harem of Kool-Aid drinkers.

It's a male dominated and privileged society founded by men for men and when women speak out against the injustices they are demonized, weaponized, and ostracized. Disgraced and left to ponder the meaning of life while struggling to get heard and get recognized for their value and worth.

It's a world that lacks empathy, compassion, understanding, and responsibility as adults for their own prejudices, myths, and behaviors bestowed upon others without regard to the detriment it harbors on others.

When Kavanaugh was sworn in after a tumultous hearing we heard about how hard of a time it's 'a very scary time for young men everywhere' according to his master.

Yet, women's feelings, emotions, well beings are misconstrued as aggressive, biotches, too powerful for their own britches, demanding, over sensitive etc.

Domination by the BBN( Big Boy Network) is the name of the game however, it's something that can be changed if we are willing to take ownership, stand ground, and not be silenced in telling our stories.

Usually they say fight fire with fire but we have to rethink the strategy and support one another. We must go to HR and if they don't listen take it to the courts. Legality is our friend.

We've all been there and I wouldn't have stayed up till 3am to read this if it wasn't relevant, personal, or believable.

I've been told I deserved abuse, I was told why I didn't know my now ex was a manipulator, I was told I'm the aggressor, I'm coming across as entitled for wanting to work after 20 yrs child rearing/volunteering, I'm told I'm over/under qualified yet through it all I continue placing applications for full time living wages while in extreme poverty. Some call this insanity. Others call it tenacious. 

When they say aggressive I say assertive as I'm a proud feminist who grew up and spent 47 yrs fighting for her rights. Her rights to healthcare, her rights to sit at the table, her rights to be heard, appreciated, acknowledged, and treated equal.

The time is now. There's no greater time when women need to stop the shame/blame/guilt trips upon them and become actively engaged and enforcing the rules.

This book was truly a god-send that should be required reading in every school, business, library, and church. I say the latter because monsters hide in all places including where you might least expect but that spotlight is powerful and the podium is where it's at. I am a former minister of hospitality who had a collection basket ripped from my hands by three older white male ushers from this newly hired volunteer usher. Upon overhearing the one male usher recant that there's more of us than her. I immediately took my grievances to the vicar as he mentioned these men need time to come around to this 'new line of thinking.'

Are we really at this point that we must wait for men to catch up to the idea that women deserve a seat at the table?

I never had anyone wait for me and I do not intend to wait for any man!

Read this book as you won't forget it. It's like the bible filled with enriching and powerful stories of faith, hope, and guidance. 

It's invaluable!

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