Saturday, December 5, 2020

Book Review: Me and White Supremacy By Layla F. Saad


While I don't wish to take away from this book nor disprove or go against the author's intentions, feelings, and intellect I would like to address several issues.

First as a former white middle class female I was raised as a 'black sheep' 'scapegoat' and grew up to marry the same -a malignant narcissist/alpha male who just admitted he's an alpha male just days earlier.

Reading this book put me right back to a time when I was alone, poverty stricken, homeless, bankrupt from divorce and had three kids.

I was a ghost- in essence- nobody gave a damn- in fact I was told I deserved the abuse and was shunned, silenced, blamed, and humiliated for not knowing what I married and the aftermath that followed.

Of course, to the main point- I'm not your typical 'welfare queen'- albeit I do have 3 kids by one man-married 11 years. The perpetual myths that have been passed down generationally about the poor are not what today's version of impoverished look like. Years ago they'd say the poor were uneducated, lazy, drug addicts, baby momma's... Today we are well educated, former mid class, recently divorced, vets, disabled, etc.

Everyone needs to hear this because I'm a 20 yr volunteer working unpaid on the front line in the most horrid conditions and weather elements. I never turned anyone away yet I myself was denied food for my family because I wasn't in the servicing area by a local food bank this after recently leaving the area having had utilities turned off and forced unto the streets after non payment from an ex-spouse 15k arrears. I was forced to pay an overage of 5k (mainly due to mortgage payments on a home we vacated during active PFA with Icc violation and his arrest.)
Now, I need not tell you about the tone police that you mentioned because literally just a few days ago I was pulled over by the local pd for passing in no passing. The reason was because another vehicle pulled into my single lane of travel resulting in a catastrophe as the vehicle then slowed to a near stand still resulting in my having to go around at a safe speed with safe and proper distancing.

Upon being pulled over and explaining this rationale I was asked why I was being 'aggressive' even though all responses were properly phrased with 'yes' or 'no' sir responses. Sadly, 'assertive' ladies are often misconstrued as 'aggressive'.
I'd never raised my voice as the tone used is my normal which shocked the officer -as I noted I have elderly parents unable to hear plus a throat nodule (3 cm) that's benign still lodged near my vocal cords.

The point of this book I'm sure is to show a nation in peril but sadly as a white poor educated woman I can't get a job for ten years straight. I'm told I'm over under qualified. I'm told I'm coming across as entitled for asking after volunteering as if the job is now owed to me this from a United Way (President) of the company after I requested a cold call interview.

I've been told I can't hug or show empathy to those in my (center for economic opportunities) line that show up requesting food for distribution in which I worked as a volunteer so I left and never went back as I knew these community members.

I've seen the commentary daily about the poor using EBT and how we go out and buy lobster or steak and I wish I had a lobster as I eat tuna or fish like everyone else.

People are quick to pass judgement w/o knowing the facts. When I volunteered those assisted didn't know I was a recipient and volunteer. They assumed I went home, worked a full time job, had the niceties of life. I learned so much during these years and just how engrained white privilege is through these conversations.

Little did they know I was one of them, a poor individual, who had to utilize food banks to supplement what my family needed and in many cases soup kitchens, gyms, libraries, and further assistance from my kids schools and or church basements.

I would ask that everyone watch this video about food insecurities and myths because you'll understand the plight of the poor and others who can't make ends meet.
As for this book while I wish I could say this is happening only to a select group and that's it's racially motivated from what I've been experiencing it's a select group that is mistreating everyone and that's the white elite and supremacist who feel above the law and sadly it's being handed out to everyone who disagrees with their views.
I can spot one a mile away and they can do the same with me. As soon as they learn I'm a democrat, in extreme poverty, receiving EBT it's a different ball game.

I've sat in on conversations in which people claim we don't want to work, we're lazy until I break out the truth and explain I worked two jobs to put myself through college.
I was top producer in two depts with a $25 one time bonus awarded with taxes taken out. I received ten cent raises and worked as the working poor so often -do to the bone. So much so I now have ganglion cyst, spinal stenosis, lung issues from diesel fumes entering our factory.

I pray one day people wake up and realize that white supremacy is ruing our nation and it's not a racial issue but an issue against everyone who isn't like them.

I don't use fancy lingo or labels as I feel no need. Keep it plain and simple.
I've been spit upon, threatened, falsely accused, smear campaigned, and yet like air I still rise.

My entire life has been a fight, a fight for all men, women, children of every race, color and creed.
A fight for the good fight. The good fight still rages on and we can't let up.

You are my sister and I am yours. We are from one race. The human race.
I know your pain as you know mine.
I will not stop until we are all treated equally without prejudice or injustice.

When those over 40 are being denied jobs, when the med disabled like my son (born with vater syndrome) are being taken off social security once they turn 18, when my father a cold war navy vet can't get benefits he needs and was forgotten till 2012 there's something gravely wrong.
I'll make this ending short: I walked a mile in her shoes for this event held by our local women's shelter. Upon seeing a distraught colored woman, I walked up to her, sat down,and hugged her (pre covid) because I could see the pain in her eyes. It's not easy admitting abuse much less the abuse I suffered but I knew she knew my pain as I could see the hurt in her eyes as our eyes met. She was the speaker for this special event that day and I had no idea we shared similar stories.

She asked how I knew w/o her speaking a word and I said it's written all over your face and I see your pain in your eyes. We created a bond that I never forgot. I also seen her tenacity. A life of hard knocks but one worthy of the gold.
It's the little things in life that can seem so miniscule yet are large in scale.

A simple gesture. A common courtesy. Saving a spot in line or allowing someone to go ahead or give way to another. Holding a door open.

This is the world we need and a world that many of us still long for knowing it still can be this way again but not with white nationalist wreaking havoc upon us all.

As a minister of hospitality - I was the only female usher who had the collection basket ripped out of my hands during Sunday Mass. Only one white man stood up to denounce the actions of three older white males. Upon contacting the vicar and later the bishop I was told I'd be receiving an apology or a call. Neither came my way. I was told the men needed time to come around to this new line of thinking. That too never happened.

Recently my daughter was awarded the Bishop Youth Award in the same church that tossed me out as I served the Lord. Upon going up for the body and blood of Christ I declined due to pandemic reasons first and foremost. I noted to the priest to kindly save mine for all the female ushers who would come after me to take my place.

Exactly 11 business days later I received notice and I quote, "As we begin this new Church year, It has been brought to my attention that you are no longer a parishioner at St. Ignatius."

You see my sister: This is the new norm or so how they wish it to be.

However, as long as I have a breath in my body, as I sit here before you with a fatal blood disorder, as I struggle with severe anemia/severe spinal stenosis, I assure you I won't go out being silenced by these white alpha males and or supremacists.

Remember this: If God is for me who can be against me...
They are in our churches. They are in our schools. They are in our highest offices.

They cannot silence all of us so keep speaking your truths as I shall because it's important that others know this is occurring to everyone based on this one group of toxic individuals.

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