Monday, March 23, 2020

Book Review: "The City of Tears" By Kate Mosse

From Paris to Amsterdam the intriguing story will have you engulfed in romance, revenge, loss, persecution, and redemption!

It all begins with the historical context from the religious wars which brought about trading throughout using ancient religious relics.

This created vast amounts of chaos involving not just religion and massacres.

Were the Huguenots being targeted?

The story revolves around two main characters Minou and Piet while bringing in several other characters to create an epic novel that burns from within every page.

Their marriage was to be a time of great joys yet hiding was of essence from Guise's spies.

Could the French cardinal be a relic hunter?

France descended into chaos.

Volatile atmospheres created uncertainty.

Tempers flared on high!

Yet, "you saw an injustice and did not turn away."

Stealing relics became common place to protect the Sancta Camisia.
However, one must ask where's Lord Evreaux in all this madness?

What if a relic is actually a forgery being used for access to estates?

When the waters recede we focus on the damage, the unity, the rebuilding.
Could two men have been hired to kill Vidal a man believed to be a priest?

So much to fall in love with and immerse yourself within here!


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