Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Book Review: "Confessions on the 7:45" By Lisa Unger

In all the year's I've written reviews I can honestly say non have moved me to tears, to breathlessness, to unbelievable pain with a glowing shift towards redemption, hope, and rebuilding like this "black butterfly."

I will tell you this, never in all the thrillers have I had to stop with 10% left and put the brakes on to literally grasp the meaning of every word, to feel the beat like a drum, to feel those coded words of silence.

As a victim of abuse I know those words. As an empath I feel that pain. As a survivor I have lived those lies.

That con man was the very man I married. That spiderweb of betrayal was reality.
That indifference to go into something blind, to want to believe, to face denial head on, to hope and then to finally admit the truths...OMG --BINGO! That lost sense of self was evident yet those broken crayons carry those scars like magical notes within the deep crevasses of the mind.

This new work was one powerful story with characters that were every bit dark and mysterious.

It all began with one hell of a train ride between Selena and Martha who confesses to an affair with her boss.

So, why not tell her about Selena's personal dilemma with her own husband whom she feels is doing the same with the nanny? Right?

It's a two for one fer-but in the end someone must pay!

Shortly, after this within a few days- the nanny goes missing.

Well damn-because it appears nobody is as they say, everyone has an agenda, everyone has a price, and everyone has a story to tell.

Con artists prey upon people, they find vulnerable individuals, they utilize for their own personal greed and self benefit.

What's up with this 'Naughty Nanny?'

What is this lingo about "Parents are just people. We make mistakes?"

How many mistakes are too many, and when do parents take on responsibility for their own actions especially actions with consequences that harm or wound others for life?
If you follow my drift you'll know that Lisa Unger is the master of ceremonies here and she's giving you the ride of your life. So do hold on tight!

This is fast paced with adrenaline running in the veins!

When the lies unravel, when the iceberg is uncovered, when the ships begins to sink the players in this 'game' begin to flock like herds of sheep.

Now the question posed,"What if you could choose a family?" is very much real and still holds vast pull here because it appears that paternity is questionable.

I can't give too much away but this goes from bad to worse in 60 seconds! By worse I mean it in a good way for readers, but bad way for the characters.

Sometimes money is the root of evil, but money also buys silence, and justice. JUST SAYIN'
Sins of omission. Infidelity.

What about this comment,"She's dangerous."

Well sure as hell, you had to go there.

Look, there's plenty in each closet here in more ways than one.

The plot thickens better than gravy because these are characters with empty souls, glossy eyes, and revenge coupled with jealousy pegged on the hearts.

When you marry what you know and end up with a disaster.

Or was it a 'destroyer', or a 'monster' or just plain emptiness.

Perhaps being left with nothing is great because rock bottom is how many of us rebuild.
To be free, to find one's true meaning, to uncover one's destiny.

To act out upon others using rage for past injustices...

At one point he was on top of her, surely trying to do her in, but yet she managed to become disentangled.

Those identities --My word--so difficult keeping 'em all in tow. One after the next so do yourselves a favor and keep a journal handy.

You'll need it because some people will do anything to be part of a group, a circle, a family.
In the end though shall giveth and though shall taketh away but it's all good!
Like the Phoenix she will rise!!!

So, guess all I can say now is 'You're Free'....

Ps. What did Selena ever see in Graham I wonder?

Oh, nevermind...We'll talk later!

Guys, this is the must read of 2020! If you don't read anything else -READ THIS NOVEL! STAT!!

Thank you Lisa Unger, Park Row and my Fav publisher Harlequin, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle! What an honor to read this ARC!

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