Thursday, March 26, 2020

Book Review: "The Un-American" By John J. Pitney Jr.

As noted, Even Fool's Gold Shines!

This is not something that will probably change many minds on the Team Trump side because they choose to deny truths, create alternatives, utilize falsities and enable excuses to continue following their leader but for those aware of the reality it's frightening to see the hamster wheel spin daily.

Yes, the fact is 'actions speak louder than words.' Walking on eggshells is not how we shall live.

As someone with experience & having divorced a malignant narcissist I can tell you what's down the road is dark, horrifying, and destructive. The trail of destruction, the expired relationships, the moving on without a second glance to those left behind is common.

Monsters do not come cloaked in devil horns and trench coats. They appear believable and credible and how you know the difference in a personality trait disorder is by examining the totality of the circumstances based on the DSM Manual. You have to trust your instincts, that gut intuition, your own mind.

Due to the Goldwater Rule professionals cannot diagnose from afar without meeting the individual in question in a proper setting.

With this noted, the writing is on the wall. It speaks volumes. The Kool Aid will continue to be on the table for all to drink if they choose to do such.

However, when you rule by fear, dictatorship, authoritarian and dystopian styles then you are not in my definition a leader of the greatest nation and highest office in the land.
When you use pay to play schemes, corruption, corporate greed, lobbyists to make gains in financial revenues and personal agendas it speaks volumes. He was impeached for a reason. That reason was not because of being disliked but because he broke the rules of law.

The political bipartisanship we see is horrific in accomplishing a mutual understanding on both ends.

My advice:
Read up on malignant narcissists and understand the side effects such as gaslighting, projection, mirroring, brain washing, isolation, manipulation, intimidation, etc.. and you'll get to where I'm going with it and understand more clearly the outcome.

Sure, we can list every negative but someone will always twist the facts to accommodate their own needs. People will believe what they want to believe ie. Next target after me in my own personal situation. They will not believe the arrest papers, warrants, legal court orders, because of one thing-FOG.

These individuals operate from a false sense of self. They sell you the greatest 'hope' with empty promises and broken dreams. They lack empathy, compassion, responsibility for one's own actions, and respect for others.

There's no communication. There's no love. There's no give and take in these situations.
Ergo why you can talk all you want about the issues but nobody will listen till they experience it hands on and it affects them personally.

When it effects them personally and they are jilted and ruined by the "ONE" great egotistical leader and savior then and only then will the change happen.
God bless the USA!

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