Saturday, March 28, 2020

Book Review: "The Half Sister" By Sandie Jones

Imagine someone showing up on your door years later claiming to be your child?

Good Lord, it was actually my reality with my ex spouse who slept around & later I did uncover he gave up for adoption several kids plus had three with me.

So, it's reality v fiction once again as we encounter a huge mystery surrounding a young lady named Jess aka Helen Wilmington or was it Helen Oakley. Well whatever her name she's arrived!

Which brings us to the point of no return in which the sisters Kate and Lauren must now indulge in the family's affairs both literally and figuratively to uncover the truth that may be hidden by Rose their own mother.

For the love of God Henry sure did sow his wild oats but perhaps he's not the only one to blame her.

What if there's more to this story? Would it even matter at this point in time? Would anyone be interested to know their true DNA?

Speaking of DNA is it accurate? Could it be altered? 

What if someone sends in the wrong DNA on purpose? Food for thought...

Sandie Jones has me chasing my tail on this one because everything you thought you knew is turned upside down.

Could Jess be connected to someone other than the parents?

Look, not to reveal too much but perhaps there's more to the sisters past here including a possible adoption and there's even more to the story of their parents.

So hang tight as this one will blow your mind!

That ending, I'm still chatting away about it since last night!!!

Sandie you nailed it!

The Half Sister is a must read for fans everywhere.

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