Monday, March 30, 2020

Book Review: "The Hollow Places" By T. Kingfisher

The 'Narnia' appeal is alive and well & is being taken over by 'The Wonder Museum'!

Ok, folks I've got a mixed bag with this one literally and figuratively.

One one end I was appreciative of the writing but on the other end I just was not 'won over' by the plot as it was just too 'far fetched' to be believable or partake in.

With this said, "Pray they are hungry" was a 'recurring theme.'

Because it's about spirits as much as it's taxidermy -imagine that!

Yes, with a whole new world just beyond that porthole in which everything has holes, with bunkers, MRE (Meals Ready Eat), shapes in willows, stains on walls, buses in sand, willowlights with spies, and much more.

It's fantasy and suicide pacts with sleepwalking and bodies with holes just beyond the bibles and the books.

With only 4 days till the wayout of the vacuae opens it becomes apparent that " can't kill you if it can't catch you. So heck, run and hide."

The willows grew up overnight seeking an entrance into the real world.
Moving through the willows is simple because everything in the world has willows.

Just don't forget: The holes will close if you fill them.

Do objects know they are loved?

It's not haunted persay as it's strange!

Could this all be a figment or a hallucination?

Unliving protectors are all around!

With this said it's back to life, back to reality, back to the 'Glory to God Museum of Natural Wonders', curiosities, and taxidermy...

And so the story goes...

See, this is where I note: I hope you enjoy! 

It was certainly different, odd, bizarre, but a good read that will take you places in your mind!

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