Thursday, March 26, 2020

Book Review: "In Good Hands" By Stephanie Mackendrick

After locating this on a free shelf at a local college library I was excited to crack it open and uncover the goodness in hopeful messages during these trying times.

Stories of individual hope, courage, and determination are woven throughout each women's career choices and how she came to overcome the injustices so many face today.

In a man's world it's inspirational to know that young ladies everywhere can be the change they wish to see with some elbow grease, some true grit, and some networks.

For those like myself who couldn't find the above it's no loss as being a stay home mom is equally challenging and very much a rewarding career.

Whatever lifestyle you choose know that there are outlets out there to assist if you are lucky enough to find them.

I hope you do find this helpful and take the initiative to better yourself in whatever chosen career you decide upon in your educated years and beyond.

Stay strong ladies as it's a Dog Eat Dog World! Tough skin is highly recommended as well as a deep pocket and plenty of wealthy networking connections on your A-List!

Remember it's ok to have a normal 9-5 job and work in any capacity as long as you're happy, healthy, and free to make those choices for yourself.

A great read for up and coming ladies in the political arena!

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