Friday, October 2, 2020

Book Review: "Defender In Chief" By John Yoo


Just because you have the right to utilize Executive Powers doesn't mean they should be used in the context being enforced under this presidency nor that we should look the other way in terms of the abuse of said powers.

What this book does is give a pat on the back to DT for using the powers, rights, and legal actions allowed by law but as we seen the right to declare war, to establish trades, to remove us from alliances or for the betterment of those he serves is not allows warranted.

Transparency, Congressional oversight and approvals, and the like have been established in the Constitution for a reason. 

While this author discusses the Constitution ad nauseum to support his agenda it does a great disservice to not discuss the abuse of the very same powers he claims to be defending.

This was a very well thought out and researched book and with that noted I cannot fault an author for a difference of opinion.

Ethics, morals, values, democracy, and our country's citizens of these United States have a right to have someone in office who knows what he's doing.

I won't go into the same detail as this author but suffice to say the wrings on the wall.

Actions speak louder than mere words.

Gaslighting, manipulation, brain washing, threats, fear, intimidation, and sowing seeds of discourse and division may not be illegal but it's not what our country was founded upon nor what our forefathers had in mind.

What DT does in office may not always be illegal but it's not what a majority want nor need.

Sure altering the constitution is not what anyone wants but what the democrats and or liberals as you noted want is to maintain our democracy and our constitution not alter or change as to so effect those who come into office after this debacle we have now.

The author made one valiant point and that's to VOTE rather than change legislation, executive powers, etc. and I couldn't agree more.

Thank you to my son's college library for this copy as I waited for him to exit from his studies today.

This was an interesting read for the GOP and Republican enablers and anyone interested in the train of thought of those on the other side of the aisle who're not Democrats.

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