Sunday, October 11, 2020

Book Review: "Malignant Narcissism" By Richard Wood

First and foremost I must note: I'm the founder of The Lost Self Life After Narcissism on FB.

Now, with this in mind and knowing I married into what I've learned from having two malignant narcissist -I can tell you this isn't completely accurate.

What I noticed here is another blame, shame, fault in women ONLY!

While I'm thrilled this author finds some empathy towards his father his mother and grandmother were seen as crazy.

The author also points out all his clients were male which was another red flag to me.

As someone who councils others on this form of personality trait disorder not simply behavioral we must understand the totality of the circumstances as each case is different.

We also must note not everyone is as high on the DSM manual as Malignant Narcissist.

We cannot identify anyone as such in terms of the Goldwater Rule so armchair opinions are not my thing.

As in this regard, the general terminology was fine but the painting of women as all crazy was not.

Whether this is nature v nurture is yet to be determined. The fact that many claim only 1% of the population are narcs is also up to debate.

What I can tell you it's hell on Earth when you must co-parent with one and or married to one.

The light is not seen until you remove yourself from this hideous smoke, fog, mirrors, manipulation, mirroring, projection, intimidation, and more.

Gaslighting is a common format to make you second guess yourself.

Your loyalty is demanded as these individuals feel above the law, superior, with grandiose ego's.

I've been harmed in many ways from one and we must remember that abuse takes on many forms and what you see is only the tip of the iceberg.

Financial, sexual, religious, physical, psychological, verbal, emotional are just some of those formats.

I hope those reading this understand that relationships with a malignant narc are also not just romantic, familiar, or business.

This was a good starting point but not a catch all for me.

Thank you to Richard, the pub, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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