Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Book Review: "The Mirror Man" By Jane Gilman

Are you ready for this meteorite that comes in like a ball of fury?

First and foremost I must note this review is for a Blog Tour courtesy of Harlequin 2020 Fall Reads and it's a pleasure to discuss this with all of you here tonight.

The Mirror Man by Jane Gilmartin has that eloquent mix of sci-fi and fantasy with more than enough thrills and chills to wet the appetite for darkness.

Remember back in the late 90's with the cloning of Dolly The Sheep using somatic cell nuclear transfer and how many thought she was the first animal ever cloned. Fact of the matter is she was not the first because that occurred in 1800's.

However, in this case we aren't discussing animal cloning but humans and it all begins and ends with Jeremiah a marketing manager for Vi-Gen Pharmaceuticals.
Nothing out of the norm there other than the fact he's questioning his abilities in more than one way and his own son Peter may be on the receiving end.

Before we go there we must understand this operation stems from an illegal experiment. involving mind sharing, mind altering, and MONEY-say roughly ten million to be exact for taking it on.

The fact that Meld may alter mood swings, memory, and more is irrelevant because therapy was part of this plan along with monitoring via closed circuit tv monitors.

This sounds like something far fetched but you ain't seen nothing yet as Jane spins this reader's web better than any I've ever seen.

In fact, it's so inspiring, invigorating, and masterful that I truly lost all track of time and ventured to gain so much more in the process.

Would you take the gamble and want to be cloned? What would your family and friends think or say or even do about having two of you?

These are just some of the questions that arise but even worse is what if you feel 'broken' and not 'fully equipped' to do any job much less be an exact replica for something shady like this illegal activity.

Morals, ethics, values be damned as we have to address so many questions including love, hate, friendships, and condemnations.

Would you want to partake in a piece that's similar to what's been seen in terms of profit over people or being the first when all the safety features may not have been properly tested and or applied?

The mystery surrounding these characters was absolutely splendid and the plot twists added value beyond measure.

I'm so thrilled I was able to partake with you on this journey for this fab Blog Tour as this was a book I shall not forget anytime soon.

It truly grabs readers attention, rivets up the reader's juices, and keeps the memory running on overdrive long after the last page is complete.

Thank you so much to Jane Gilman, Harlequin, Mira, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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