Sunday, October 18, 2020

Book Review: "The Law Of Innocence" By Michael Connelly


First and foremost special thanks goes to Little Brown and Company for the wonderful selection of books they publish and bring to the table for review via auto approval.

I couldn't click the read now button fast enough and when I read this it was a no-brainer.

Michael Connelly is a huge fan favorite among many including myself and this one seals that deal in more ways than one.

It's timely, it's suspenseful, it's downright masterful!

Remember this melody- Hey Mickey you're so fine-You're so fine you blow my mind?

If so, then you'll know Mickey is big, bold, brash and determined to get out of any predicament especially when falsely accused of 'murder'.

I'm not sure how Sam Scales ended up in his trunk but I sure as hell love the name of this character and enjoyed reading all about him and the possibilities that came with this novel.

This was central to the intel, legal maneuvering, and courtroom drama and had an ample amount of each within this tightly knit thriller.

Lets face it Mickey ain't working solo. Hell NO! He's got a team including two ex-wives and a half bro helping him secure innocence.

Perhaps the law will be on his side or perhaps not!

Either way crimes of passion& intensity with motive usually involve money and the fact that clients of these attorneys usually have difficult making payment could be just one angle to entertain but may not be all angles as there were several to endure.

Could this be a perfect scenario of a 'frame job?'

What if the ruling that's handed down is an open ended one and not a finale?

Guilt or innocence depends on many factors that're often based solely upon 'legal standards' and or 'criminal statutes.'

Are you ready ....

Loved this newest gem by Michael Connelly and I'm thrilled I had the golden opportunity with the auto approval to read this one.

I hope you find this review well and I hope you enjoy this as much as I have.

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