Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Book Review: Disloyal By Michael Cohen

“I know where the skeletons are buried because I was the one who buried them.”

Truth be told he probably knows much more than what's written here but for the sake of being skinned alive he decided to hold back on the major issues.

As a woman discarded, devalued, smeared by a malignant narcissist I can certainly empathize with anyone who comes across one of the same.

I've spent 13 yrs with mine, loyal to a fault, blinded only by love, and ignored like the plague having lost everything in the aftermath.

Truth hurts and when you speak it the cowards run and hide to save themselves. Loyalty gets you nothing with a narc as they operate from a false sense of self, use and abuse, and take without reciprocation.

What you have here is a man who sold his soul to the devil for money, fame, prestige and in the end it cost him dearly.

Luckily he still has his wife and kids but by the Grace of God because they must have truly thick skin to ignore the fact that they told him to exit out and he continued hoping against hope he'd win.

It's that need to win, that hope for better, the snake oil and kool -aid being drank that extends the time tables to eternity.

Instead, what's received is smoke, fog, mirrors and in this case an Attorney who should've known better having dealt with similar in his legal practices.

This projection, the mirror, the deception doesn't end with one as there's a multitude of victims left in its wake. The trail of destruction far extends beyond these enablers, loyal harem, and fame seekers.

One question I'd hesitate to ask is do I believe all of what is written?

NO! I don't and for the simple reason is ...that I lived this life and I'm well aware of the Stockholm syndrome, the co-dependency, the pedestal placement.

This quote says it all," Trump is  master at getting otherwise seemingly sensible people to enter into his fantasyland because of the fear that failure to do so means banishment."

What I enjoyed moreso than I probably should've was the 'Hair force one' that played out with the three step procedure.

However, lets face it -this person-DT - is a danger to our society, our country, even our own allies.

The only way to end this nightmare is to VOTE BLUE.

We know from experience that his own family is secondary. Work is primary. Having even negative attention via the media and publicity is still attention for his grandiose ego,superiority, and god like  views of himself.

Narcissist need constant grooming, attention, adulation, and praise. They feed off of a source of supply. They target others to gain access to their most intimate and personal details as fuel to use against them.

They will project and mirror those who possess the talent they lack and they do so because they are in actuality inferior and damaged internally.

Gaslighting is nothing new, mind games, brain washing, manipulation, love bombing, pay to play schemes, hush payments, and the like it's all in here for discussion.

What I can't fathom is why Cohen's family is still by his side because if they all knew why couldn't he have known. His case involved discussion and communication openly with his family who informed him of the dangers, the bottomless pit, the black hole of nothingness and many of us who were left as prey only wish we had family to support us as he's been provided.

He's a very lucky man in many regards because unlike many of us left behind -he still has the love, affection, undying support of his family and that's worth more than any dollar amount even with his battle scars.

For the women who marry as was my case I quote: I can always get another wife, that's no problem for me, it she wants to go, so be it." 

After 11 yr marriage, three kids from one union, and 13 yrs together I was termed 'kept woman' and 'business partner' think of us when you decide to jump into bed with one....our family was left bankrupt, homeless, and I was left LT unemployed having given up career so my malignant narc could further his own as Director of OBP in DC and yes, mine too was famous.

However, the bigger they are the harder they fall...Remember that! Carry on!

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