Monday, October 26, 2020

Book Review: Gotcha! By Ed Weinberger


Who better to read and review a book with the title,"GOTCHA!" than a gal with the same name "GATCHA" as her maiden name?

Yes, and so here we are scratching our heads trying to make sense of the abnormal, deliberate, and malicious content we now find ourselves engulfed in with DT at the helm as the ship sinks.

I can't imagine the scenario, never dreamt it could happen, always assumed it was a farce but ladies these men (alpha males) do exist and to make it worse they come packaged with a pretty tie with underneath baggage and personality trait disorders.

Having married a fella like this with malignant narcissistic traits led to a nightmare disguised as a blessing so allow me to entertain this new piece from Mr. Weinberger.

We need satire because reality is simply too painful but the humor was apparent and sadly so too is the seeds of division being sown.

We cannot allow this to continue for four more years less risk our sanity and our lives.

Covid is more than mere numbers as their have been countless lives lost at this man's orders and while he isn't directly accountable for the virus he most certainly has ignored the plight and devastation that has followed.

His family as was my family is operating using the narcissistic ways in which children and spouses are secondary to work, money, and success.

Narcissists in general terms are needy, greedy, and miserable.

They operate from a false sense of self and will sell you fake gold believing it's glowing.
Empty promises and broken dreams are served up with good ol fashioned gaslighting via manipulation, shame, blame, threats, intimidation, fear, and smear campaigns.

The latter doing the most damage as your reputation can be kissed-GOODBYE!

It's exhausting, humiliating, and horrifying to now see our country experiencing what I have personally and professionally in my marriage.

After eleven year marriage I was nothing more than 'kept woman' and 'biz partner' to my loving spouse. This speaks volumes as these toxic individuals are selfish in ways, utilize the God like ego central, and feel far superior yet it's this fragile ego that they fear being exposed.

Once you question them, once you see through the fog, smoke, mirrors; once you expose them for the con artists/chameleons/Jekyll and Hyde's that they are they cower and hide.
The biggest issue with them is it's impossible to be functional with one as they are very competitive, demeaning, degrading, and lack the ability to listen and communicate effectively and productively.

Our country cannot afford any more of this nor can our allies and we must be the change.
We have got to VOTE and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law once he's no longer a sitting president.

God Bless our USA

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