Saturday, June 29, 2019

Book Review: "The Art of Inventing Hope" By Howard Reich

"Without memory nothing exists."

I read this while at the Henry Cancer Center at Geisinger Hospital while getting an iron infusion for severe anemia.

What fascinated me about this interview was the clearly felt bond between the two and the genuine respect for one another especially in the end of Elie Wiesel's passing.

We can learn much by simply asking questions and I'm always taken back to a time of great strength when I meet or read about holocaust survivors.

My word what they went through and yet they harbor not one drop of bitterness but rather they channel that hurt to be better. To help others. To keep their legacy alive long after they've left the Earth.

The compassion, the empathy, the level of mutual understanding is beyond words but I cherish these authors who are blessed to have met a legend in his own rite.

This centered more about the notion of the children and their parents. How they learn from one another. How they share the good and the bad. How they are to maintain hope even when facing adversity and challenges outside one's own control.

I wish I had the ability to jot down notes but I was hooked up to an IV as their was many memorable quotes throughout.

The section devoted to hope was most profound and had me in tears. Hope wasn't just about looking ahead but finding like minded individuals and using that connection to boost one's spirit from within each other.

If you have but one book to read this is it this year!

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