Saturday, June 8, 2019

Book Review: Fight Like A Mother: By Shannon Watts

We are becoming acclimated to violence while lacking empathy and compassion needed to sustain life.

It's amazing to me just how far we have yet to go but perhaps through this valiant effort we might just close the gap.

It's all about putting yourself in the race. Staying actively involved. Knowing your constituents and policies. 

However, I would add it takes thick skin for women to put themselves out there and be subjected to death threats and vulgarities from trolls daily.

I've seen what happens up front and personal when you speak out against injustices.
For men today they feel superior and I'd add they've become even more arrogant, obnoxious, and egotistical.

In NEPA (Luzerne County) Pennsylvania we have more than our fair share of narcissists and I'd add these white egotistical males who feel they are above the law and above women in general.

I'm so sick of dealing with these individuals who won't give you the right of way on the roadways, who run you off the roads, who must have control and power in their lives at all times so much so they will cut you off without an apology even at the supermarket aisles or walkways.

I digress this book is more than just the white male it's about the movement of the gun lobbyist and NRA to keep guns in power by using fear. Fear that gun rights will be taken away from gun owners.

This is furthest from the truth yet it's re-told ad nauseum and given credit by our media.
In fact for me it centers more upon the media and their need to insight riots by not fact checking, by noting inaccurate information, by taking sides politically, and by using gaslighting techniques to question victims (add here victim blaming and shaming).
What I've seen locally in my area is the sit down, shut up, and don't respond or else face threats, negative commentary, and ridicule.

Online bullying is common place. I see it daily the go along to get along. The numbers in masses who feel they are superior even behind a computer screen.
It's sickening the world we live in and I'm afraid of what's yet to come. How far back will we move the feminist movement?

What will happen to women's rights moving forward?
How can women succeed if they are constantly under fire and threatened with their lives without security being offered once they make it to Congress or beyond?
What will the world be like with these racist, homophobe, bigots in office?
While volunteering is nice it doesn't pay the bills I know after achieving the highest award for service from President George H.W. Bush known as the Points of Light.
Women can't afford to raise their families when men casually walk away without feeling the need to be actively involved in their kids lives. So how can women be more and do more when many are struggling to bring food to the table and make a living considering the low wage earning potentials?

I wish I had the answers as I've been struggling below poverty since 2010 myself while seeking a living wage to raise my family after we were tossed to the street without a home, income, assets, savings, or credit.

What we need is more women in crucial points of entry all across the board including in family courts so that we can finally have relief!

Shannon has touched on a nerve and I hope she keeps going but we have so much more to do!

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