Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Book Review: "The Grace Year" By Kim Liggett

Age is only but a number but depending on your number will depend on whether or not you like this book. 

*Women heed the warning your greatest threat is not the outside world but yourselves and our relationships with one another*

For me pushing 50 has been an eye opener towards woman's relationships and the success or fail of them including but not limited to the work involved in maintaining one.

The older I get and the wiser I find that relationships with women are very shallow and if you think they have your back you're so darn wrong! They will back stab and forget you ever existed as I learned with close friends who threw me under the bus multiple times and several who ghosted me ( a new common theme). 

My only wish is in the ability to end the second guessing whether it's me or them?! 
I have had a friend since kindergarten who has befriended me& sided with my abuser after our relationship faltered and for that I can forget but will never forgive someone who ultimately takes the side of a perpetrator arrested and convicted of abusing another fellow human being.

Perhaps my fellow bloggers will also show themselves here as they appear nice but when you exchange books with them they simply take & never give as it's all about getting their name in the author's notes of appreciation to reviewers and not necessary making friends. They want the publisher spotlight all to themselves and if only they realized the world is a hell of a big place.

Over the years I noticed more and more of the 'dog eat dog' world scenario in which it's every man, woman, and child for themselves and the selfish, egotistical ways, and lack of empathy and compassion for those suffering which brings me to this next point. The jealousy, the cattiness, the perfectly flawed magical sense of perfection that illuminates from within in which we must not remain real, authentic, and genuine. Why?!

This book for me was something I couldn't comprehend in terms of young women needing to be cleansed before entering adulthood.

These young ladies at 16yo have unique powers to lure grown men and create jealousy like never before in front of women.
Their skin holds the potent essence of youth of a girl on the verge of womanhood...

NO seriously, some hail this as the next big read of 2019 and perhaps if you are young enough for that concept but it just felt like I didn't fit the mold.

I guess I've also never been a girly girl but rather tomboy whose rough and tough not prissy and soft so I felt left behind in all this excitement of womanhood.

Tierney is one such character who refuses to settle for this new world and wants one that doesn't pit woman against woman.

Good luck with that!

The greatest threat here is each other and believe me it's a sad sad world in which we no longer help one another but find ways to crucify and condemn.

I suppose it's for the best that nobody speaks of the Grace Year since it's forbidden.
I will leave with this: "You are wanted, You are loved."

"The full moon shows us who we really are, the magic is real if you open your eyes."

I hope Grace changes everything I truly do! We can only hope!

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