Sunday, June 2, 2019

Book Review:" The Kill Club" By Wendy Heard

Imagine if you will being able to go underground and hire a group of so called," Helpers" to take care of your abusers. I mean sign me up ~STAT~!

Who wouldn't but then again Carol most likely never expected she'd become target #1 as a foster parent to Jazz.

However Joaquin is in danger and child protective services seemingly ignores the pleas for help.

So Jazz has her back up against the wall in more ways than one as this twisty read is about to get interesting.

These BlackBird Killing
s are about to take on a whole new challenge in a whole new way and that old familial touch may just get a new style of flavor.

This is more than just about killing as insulin injections are needed to stay alive with an issue with diabetes for one of our beloved characters. So time is naturally of the essence here. 

It feels like the ticking time bomb throughout the story which adds that captivating sense of wonderment to the plot. Abuse is also discussed with one of the characters and you'll never guess till it's exposed as many have looked away like animals as it continued all these years.

Who will step up to the plate and do the right thing and who will walk or run away? That's the ultimate form of betrayal.

I mean really all Jazz has to do to get in is to kill at stranger so how hard can that be.....

My word this one is crazy good!

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