Monday, June 17, 2019

Book Review: "What Does It Feel Like To Die" By Jennie Dear

Who would ever think I'd be here reviewing a book about dying 2 days before I take on this journey with major back surgery but life is funny and always comes full circle.

Ok, well "People die the way they lived" and for me this book touched on many important topics including the administering of the 'knock out drugs' and those meant to prevent further suffering in their final times such as morphine and the amounts to be given that are often hard to distinguish for professionals in a medical setting.

It reminds you that mistakes can happen, that everything doesn't just transfer over, and that life always continues on.

Life is precious and to be around loved ones is the greatest blessing in our final stages and if you're lucky to have that than it makes going to another place easier.

The entire hospice viewpoints, the care provided, the challenges that are faced, the medical terminology utilized and processed, the families concerns for their loved ones all of it was written in an easy to read insightful loving way.

It always makes for a smooth transition after getting that final diagnosis of terminal that one can find compassion, empathy, and support. 

So this was in a way that 'comfort' blanket we could all use!

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