Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Book Review: "Recursion" By Blake Crouch

How important is what we remember related to memory or for this matter how much is "false" memory syndrome?

This is the idea behind this new work in which a female suicide jumper is about to answer that question as she claims to suffer with this syndrome which is possibly contagious albeit weird.


In addition, the memories hold a feeling of reality which is stronger than the current life being lived and when she expresses her devastation over losing a son, a son she never had, and cannot cope any longer she does the unthinkable and jumps to her death.

Meanwhile Helena is the neuroscientist

 hoping to create a breakthrough with patienst suffering from dementia, alzheimers, and other memory related illnesses. Just one problem. She's funded by a money magnet and eccentric wealthy benefactor which plays a role in her research.

What happens if you can change the ability to recall memories and alter one's perception of those memories?

If our true memories are erased will that change our sense of character? Can who we are be genetically altered?

The idea here was fascinating and compelling but the execution for me was all over the place and hard to keep condensed into one easy to read novel.

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