Thursday, October 31, 2019

Book Review: "The AOC Way" By Caroline Fredrickson

I think it's important to start with a clear cut reality check for all of society.

First and foremost here's a direct quote from AOC, " I've had mornings where I wake up and the 1st thing I do with my coffee is review photos of the men (it's always men) who want to kill me."

Now ask yourself why anyone with so much brilliance, ambition, empathy and compassion would seek a career in politics as a woman today?

It's because change is needed and we deserve change!

You cannot sit on the sideline and watch democracy falter at the hands of a few toxic individuals regardless of what side of the political aisle they can be located.

"Even for those who disagree with her views on specific issues, AOC's ability to shine a light on where Democrats have diverged from their values should be refreshing."

Or put quite eloquently via Teen Vogue," -Not letting the haters get you down but following your dream with a smile on your face."

Sure her dancing made attention but that's the point! She's fun! Invigorating! A shining beacon of hope!

"She is both chic and sharp intellectually, a smartie pants and a fashion plate."
She has not halted in forming her own opinion nor does she have plans to remain silent in the future.

This was the most uplifting, inspirational, intellectual piece I've read in quite some time.
"Be yourself, follow your dreams, and shake things up."

For our young girls we need someone like Alexandria leading the way to a brighter future for all.

We need someone not afraid to take a stance and stand up for her beliefs.

We need someone not afraid to fail and if she does do so gracefully.

She is a watchdog for all aisles keeping transparency alive and well and for that we must applaud her efforts.

She wasn't born with a silver spoon. She was a waitress after college working the grass roots campaigns and going door to door for votes.

This lovely young woman has always had my vote and not just because of the similarity in tenacity but in courage, in grace, in humility, and in character.

What a beautiful woman both inside and out.

The alpha males are a thing of the past.

The new wave is the strong and determined women in politics creating the change on the front line.

Those taking the shots and paving the way for future generations.

Women helping women will not only change the world it will be the change the world needs!
"Time is of the essence, she knows, for our nation and the world to deal with climate change, economic inequality, and corporate greed."

Collective action is the key for all women to fuel societal change not just self improvement.
It's about reshaping America from the bottom up!

In closing I leave you with this thought:

'Their hatred for Ocasio-Cortez, just like their pushback against #MeToo and the feminist movement, is a thin veil over what they really think, which is: How dare they. How dare women have the power to shape legislation? How dare they have the power to say no to sexual advances? How dare they hold men accountable? But they can't say those things, not out loud anyway-not without being taken to task. So, instead, conservatives mock. And diminish. and discredit.'

Love this amazing work by Caroline Fredrickson!

A must read for all!

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