Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Book Review: "Deep State" By Chris Hauty

Can you imagine a polarized DC getting any worse?
No really sounds so far fetched (enter sarcasm here)....

I'd add an ex boxing champ as intern, a dead White House Chief of Staff, and a possible murder all from within and you have yourself a big ol' problem.

President Monroe is a danger to the nation and has literally rolled back every piece of progressive initiative for the past 75 yrs in which he won the electoral majority but the sane ones know the truth that democracy is vital to Americans.

As the story rolls in fast paced action packed thrills we learn that someone on the secret service detail for the President has just tried to kill our intern Hayley.

Now Hayley may be lil more than an intern but that's for your pleasure to uncover.

We also have a finale like no other in which every con is revealed in magnificent detail when the FBI goes after them all through means that are ridiculously similar to today's 'non normal' state of affairs of our nation.

It's a reminder that the propaganda, the lies, the constant conspiracies, the cover ups, the entire toxic environment of preventing free speech, taking down journalism for bigotry, and the egotistical state is obnoxious yet critical to understanding how someone can take over the nation so quickly without ever being questioned.

People are afraid. Who can you trust? Cell phones are being taken away. Strict rules and regulations are being enforced. The whistle blowers are ostracized once they come forward. Those who do make it to the front are condemned and told 'fake news'.

You need not go far to know the Deep State is more reality than fiction.

As I've always said, eventually you won't be able to write it off as simply a bad day. Eventually there will come a time when you must face reality head on and not run from it and make excuses for the 'bear'.
While the 'bear' thinks he's winning he's really not & we can only pray that justice is served!

The only sadness is that my country -The country that I loved- is under attack by someone who vowed to protect it.

Now what will we as a nation do about it?!

I survived a malignant narcissist. I know the end result. Self destruction is coming. Follow the trail of failed works and watch actions not words and you'll never be fooled. Empty promises, broken dreams, and complete devastation. Remember this: Even fool's gold shines!

Thank you to Chris Hauty, Atria, NetGalley for this Invited Widget in exchange for this honest review.

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