Sunday, October 20, 2019

Book Review: "The Psychopath Epidemic" By Cameron Reilly

"Psychiatrists estimate that 1 percent of the adult population are psychopaths. That's about two million Americans. And they are our bosses, our politicians, our priests, and our neighbors. And they are running our economy and our lives."

As someone who married and subsequently divorced a psychopath and malignant narcissist I can tell you they are great sellers. They can sell you a nightmare wrapped up like a dream with nothing more than empty promises.

They are also very deceiving, manipulative, and fab brain washers able to lay the guilt trip with full blame within seconds to any unsuspecting 'target.'

It's all about the win! It's all about sources of supply! It's all about getting benefits for the ONE!

If you find yourself involved with one the best advice is to run immediately for the exit and don't ever look back.

No contact, boundaries, and the like are great but these individuals are experts at being a fake. They have spent a lifetime of hiding themselves behind closed doors. They are quite the charmers and quite believable. They don't come packaged in a 'devil in disguise' appearance.

What I enjoyed with this is the examples provided of just how deceitful they truly are and what lengths they will go to get what they need for themselves.

We see this all the time in our current state of affairs but it's unbelievable just how 'above the law' they believe they themselves are to be.

Until now I've never seen one do so right in plain sight as if to mock the very democracy we have to uphold the law. The Constitution to some is nothing more than a piece of paper.

Sadly this is not the new norm yet it feels like entrapment to those who lived this life previously and who now suffer from symptoms like fight or flight, ptsd, anxiety, depression, and the works.

What I had issue with was near the end when it seemed to become more political than self help and how there wasn't much to alter the route being taken.

Examining closely the relationship, seeking outside professional help, and knowing the warning signs is the best way to pull out ahead of the mess that will surely seek out to destroy if you let it.

Toxicity is no joke and it's dangerous. These individuals suffer on a scale known as the DSM Manual and it's evident in my opinion that the narcissism and psychopathy segment has grown by leaps and bounds since this was written.

We are in a society that rewards this cut throat dog eat dog behavior. It's a survival of the fittest but it's often at the expense of many.

These toxic individuals will literally ride the coattails of those they can mirror image and project back to you. So please be careful and mindful that a dog is a dog and walk away without trying to hope it away or wish for better outcomes.

You can spend years trying to please and will end up nothing more than an empty bottomless soul searching for approval with someone who will never reciprocate because they lack the moral compass and their ego is beyond gargantuan.

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