Sunday, October 27, 2019

Book Review: "Beautiful On The Outside" By Adam Rippon

We all know its what's on the inside that counts!

Yet sometimes that mess on the outside is equally outstanding and worthy of the gold!

In this case both situations are true!

You'd be correct in saying Adam wasn't born with a silver spoon.

You'd also be correct in noting his mom was like many single moms struggling to survive.

Yet, the story graciously builds upon his humble roots in Scranton Pa to his glorious & albeit closely monitored life in California.

So many focused upon the highest prize -- Getting Gold! Yet for Adam it wasn't about the medal it was about the process of getting there that won the fans.

You see Adam is unique in the fact he had no prior experience in figure skating when he went to Montage Mountain here in Northeastern Pennsylvania ( a place I've called home my entire 46 yrs).

He moved up in the world when he found the Ice Box in Pittston which was like jumping from a box car to the Steamtown Train Excursion.

What he noted in his work was how difficult everything was along the way. From securing those glam and glitzy pieces for events to the housing costs to the event expenses and everything in between.

The coaches were an entirely different issue as finding a good fit is often not easy. The female coach from Russia was one such experience he'd probably rather forget.

However, life goes on and is in constant motion. Always turning on its axis. Much like Frank in doing things, "My Way" Adam was simply doing them," His way."

No, Frank Sinatra probably wasn't his cup of tea but in Adam you can find heart, compassion, empathy, and authenticity and that's what builds character and enforces tenacity.

I have shed more than a few tears when he spoke of his teen years and the transgression of becoming a young adult. That need to want to be on your own yet seeking boundaries from afar.

Oh, you know what I mean, for us single parents...When your child needs a vehicle, a job, a college and or career. The worries, the fear, the trepidations and mental anguish of wondering will my child fly away or fall flat on his or her face.

The struggle is real.

I'm so glad he opened up not solely about his sexual orientation but rather his life experiences.

Where does he go from here?

How does he build upon winning the Gold in 2018 at the Winter Olympics in Pyang Chang?

What does his family life and personal life look like now?

Well I would tell you this he's not one to cherry coat and I admire that trait!

Keeping it real he tells his audience, " I felt like I had wasted my life chasing a kingdom that doesn't even exist."

Yet he's one to admire and behold for it's not the glitz and glam but the person that truly is inspiring!

A hometown proud individual who is showing us all that hard work involves more than just getting it done.

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