Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Book Review: "The Gifted School" By Bruce Holsinger

Honestly we are all 'gifted' in one way or another based on our uniquely driven and inherited god given qualities.

This novel by Bruce Holsinger examines those helicopter elitist parents who feel above everyone in using their privileges to extend them to their children's future and beyond.
We've had many similar circumstances with public schools in which the kids are tested not just for placement, not just for college scholarships, but for everything else such as inter personal reasons and in many cases bullying by peers.

What it amounts to is a bunch of adults lining the pockets at the hands of the kids in creating more hoops to jump through to be the top dog.

It results in extreme peer pressure, bullying, and suicidal tendencies in trying to keep up with the insurmountable odds to be the best at all times.

Now with scouts and the like the pressure is constant. There's no holidays in which kids have off, no vacations they can enjoy, for many sports like basketball are all year round.
Even with certain rules prohibiting year round involvement it still occurs just not under the watchful eyes of the officials instead under fake names or various leagues.

I know parents that fork out tons of money to send their kids to leagues all summer that are outside of their own states they reside.

It's crazy insanity that the 'performance edge' is at a cost that many of us simply can't afford. The current situation with parents going to any length to get the edge is in every headline today.

Wealthy kids are given the best money can buy in terms of electronics, state of the art vehicles, ivy league and top universities and now in testing and performance skills.
It's sad because no longer does morals and intellect go hand in hand. It's the bottom dollar and the wealthy elites have the advantage.

What a fab read that shows just how jealousy, revenge, and the stressors of this life have become constants affecting everyone from the top on down.

Kids suffer the most but in this case it seems the two girls that go by the alphabet named Emma are most at odds.

Data, science, and DNA ...now that's the perfect match to ignite this fireball!

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