With this said, there's an easy way to some everything up with one idea, "It's a man's world."
Women are making progress but we still have a long way to go in seeking equality without bias.
Injustices are the new norm against women and we must learn to not only support one another but to consistently stay united on the front.
Double blind is similar in nature to damned if you do or don't but in this case it refers to one trait that works for one gender but penalizes the other.
Often, we see in today's social media content that anger sells and anger rules.
The louder, the more obnoxious, the crueler we become as humans seeking instant gratification, the harder it becomes to go back to reality.
Sadly, we went from a calm and cool nature of discussion to screaming, finger pointing, abruptly turning and walking out within the camera's watchful eye.
The compare and contrast of acceptable behaviors and images was quite alarming. How one carries themselves, their demeanor, their sense of character, is constantly being judged.
Women who are assertive and strong are viewed in an unhealthy light as 'Biotches' whereas a man is seen as 'believable and credible.'
The old saying,' watch actions not words and never be fooled' applies here.
We are constantly being bombarded by subliminal messages and non verbal cues.
We have to be aware of the constant threats, intimidation, coercion, and intimidation while staying mindful to the knowledge that instantaneous news cycles are commonplace and not everything is factually based or informative but rather for branding and selling.
Attention seekers, narcissists, enablers should be lumped together in this toxicity as they are at the helm riding their followers blindly off the cliff.
Institutional racism is upon us. Bigotry and hatred has grown beyond all boundaries. Insecurities and triggers are more common than allergies.
Gender stereotypes are nothing new. Yet we have to believe in ourselves before believing and supporting others.
Who you vote for ultimately depends on your beliefs, your ideals, your attention to detail.
PAY ATTENTION as we live in a politically polarized nation!
Be informed and don't just go along to get along.
Be wise and vote with knowledge backed by facts!
As a malignant narcissist survivor I can tell you what happens when you don't pay attention to the warning flags.
If it doesn't feel right in your gut you must acknowledge it and don't simply write it off as a farse or excuse it away.
If nothing else our plates are full of information. Now we must decide who we want to represent all of us in our highest office of the land.
God Bless the USA!
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