Saturday, November 28, 2020

Book Review: "Aftershock" By Judy Melinek and T.J. Mitchell

First and foremost thank you has to go out to all those who provided this gifted ARC copy.

I absolutely adore this power duo and miss them both here in the states now that they moved to New Zealand.

I'm also a huge fan following them since their beginning and reading anything and everything with their names attached.

Unfortunately, for me this was good but not their best nor as good as their first work that I rated much higher.

Aftershock had simply too many 'pokers in the fire' as my father would say and not enough closure for me.

The beginning seemed to fair better than the ending as I was more invested to learn why this women's body was found in the middle of nowhere.

As the story progressed it became muddled with fluff and when it ended I was feeling in a daze wondering why it all went down that particular way especially with regards to the 'status' of the individuals in question, their relationships to one another, and why it was so important to keep mentioning Polish ancestry especially when I'm of the same nationality and heritage.
While 'taking the deal' was in the playbook I wish there was more legal procedures to counterbalance the medical examinations.

For those into psychological thrillers check out the movie -Double Indemnity-Billy Wilder-Director-1944 which addressed an insurance man in LA who plots with a woman to kill her spouse.

That will help set the tone for this work involving an earthquake, immigration, deportation, legalization issues, and knock out drag down situations that are harrowing to say the least.
In my neck of the woods many confuse fireworks with actual 'gunshots' even when it's not anywhere near the holidays.

So keep that in mind as you read this because you have to expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst case scenario.

A good read from this dynamic duo whom I enjoy immensely!

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