Saturday, November 21, 2020

Book Review: "You Can Go Home Now" By Michael Elias

Who better to process a "GOTCHA" moment than a woman by the same name "GATCHA" or at least phonetically however to be fair my last name was always spelled with an 'o' never an 'a' so I married a 'Hines' not the phonetic version of 'heinz' nor any relationship to ketchup.

Oh, I digress .... This book was very heavy for me so much so that I had to skim faster than my norm to recover till the end.

While it was all about these women in the shelter whose husbands magically turn up dead it also centered upon the female detectives past when her father was killed by a sniper and the aftermath upon the entire family.

Abuse and violence is no hidden secret here and it seems like every sentence was an 'in your face' example of that horrific abuse these women suffered.

As a victim of such violence it was extremely difficult to read as it mentioned everything in fine tooth detail both literally and figuratively and it became not only redundant but extremely hard to endure.

While their are plenty of fellow reviewers who loved this book I simply can't in good faith get behind this one because of how it was written with a plot that went everywhere into inner monologues, memories, and tangents that didn't have a buffer or boundary and it became difficult to decipher who was coming and going and why.

While the characters like Nina (detective) are ok but not great the overall narrative just didn't entice me enough nor did the overall feel of this one as it bounced around too much for my taste.

However, plenty of positive reviews are out there for this so check it out and you make the determination on your own.

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