Saturday, November 14, 2020

Book Review: "How To Lose An Ex in Ten Days" By Lottie Lucas

Plenty of on again -off again situations in this one so you may want to break out the gin and tonic now.

In order to not get lost in the back and forth drama it helps to keep your characters in mind and know their individual quirks.

Each of these individuals were quite bothersome and several seemed troubled especially with regards to rushed marriages and having a death without the former partner getting wind of the information until after several years has passed.

After all who isn't utilizing social media and or friends to keep the ex's at bay and or far enough to keep them occupied with someone else.

In this case, this book focused on many things that just weren't relatable and quite frankly irked me because for starters if a man takes a woman on a date nothing is owed in return. It's a date and if he's a gentleman he would not request anything other than a nice outing.

However, I'm old fashioned and believe in the golden rule if he's interested he'll show it by stepping up to the plate.

I suppose today's standards equal the 'anything goes' theory but it's not my thing as I'm happily divorced and have not only lost the ex I kicked it's ass to the curb.

All in all this was a good book but nothing that truly maintained my interest for any length of time and the supernatural feel added a different feel for a romance.

I hope you find this review warm and inviting and take part in reading this new work by Lottie Lucas.

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