Sunday, November 29, 2020

Book Review: "The Meaning of Mariah Carey" By Mariah Carey

First and foremost a special "Thank you" goes out to Mariah Carey, the publisher, and Goodreads for this Giveaway.

While I'm not a huge fan I'm a follower who has been glancing over her shoulder from time to time to see what's up with Mariah Carey.

I'm also someone who can relate on a deeper level and I have to admit several areas had put me in my place and made me say, YES! When someone writes a connecting piece, a relatable word, a mirror image situation in cookie cutter format that's when you know the writing wasn't obsolete or made over but real.

For all her quirks and diva flare she's human and we have to give credit for the ultimate form of flattery is having others wish to duplicate.

I wouldn't wish to say that it's a me, me, me story because it's a memoir and I didn't feel the way other individuals noted this commentary.

However, what I would wish to close with is this ending statement," If I have learned anything in this life worth sharing, it is, protect your dreams. Even in the face of disadvantages and dysfunction, you can't let anybody define, control, or take away your vision of your life - not your mother, brother, sister, father, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, fake friend, boss, bully, bigot, manger, partner, assistant, critic, cousin, uncle, auntie, classmate, mogul, predator, influencer, president, false preacher, fake teacher, coworker, frenemy with a phone, coward with a camera, or chicken with a keyboard."

Ladies and gents this about sums it all up rather nicely and if you've not lived in her shoes you can't speak.

However, I have lived this life of hard knocks and have been subjected to similar situations and it's hell like no other.

I can say this there's a God - there's a higher power- there's a choice we all must make.
To get bitter or better. To live a life of purpose and prosper or wither and fade.
We are blessed with all we need to pursue our dreams.
So, dream big and never give up.

Lord, knows I've been through it and still like air I rise... Rise up-Be the butterfly-spread those wings and FLY!

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