Saturday, March 7, 2020

Book Review: "The Friendship List" By Susan Mallery

Life is meant to be lived. Change may be necessary. A bucket list is always a great place to start!

So, it goes but first Ellen must convince her son she has a life separate from his so he can move on to college.

Unity her bestie decides to help Ellen move out of the comfort zone by creating a list of things to do while also changing her own course in life.

Selling a family home, marrying a 'coach', wanting to have children --oh it's all GOOD! So GOOD!

Ellen keep in mind hasn't dated since her teen years when she became pregnant and Unity is stuck in a rut of widowhood and not feeling good enough.

The story isn't all perfect as the hardships are present but the characters learn to let go and let loose and be happy.

What more can one ask for than a beautiful sunny day and this great read?!

Plenty of depth with Susan Mallery who always gives her readers something grand and this one is no different:  a great rhythm & a novelty idea combine to make a beautiful melody.

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