Sunday, January 26, 2020

Book Review: "The Closer You Get" By Mary Torjussen

Tangled webs woven through each individual marriage that are suffocating those from within!


Folks, I don't know whether to laugh or cry as this one was gut wrenching in drama, explosive action, affairs beyond words..

The aftermath was more like a bomb went off and in the end there's a death with one question yet to be answered.

Was it deliberate or accidental that one spouse is now dead?

Perhaps we should backtrack because it seems that there's way too much going on here, and way too many skeletons in these closets.

After all, why would anyone deliberately attempt to bring a child or children into a toxic environment? 

Why would anyone think the grass is greener after such destructive ways are exhibited?

What makes one think 'playing house' is the only answer....

Much less do so under the guise of friendship and love?

Perhaps losing one's job and having nasty texts and threats wasn't planned or was it ? Makes you wonder if Karma is involved?

Perhaps the final nail in the coffin was the truth...the 18 months of self indulgences you shall say.

So many years dedicated, devoted, and absolutely stolen away...
Ahhh so goes life -the good-the bad-the ugly!


This was splendid!

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