Thursday, January 30, 2020

Book Review: "King Clown" by Mark Lages

One of the greatest joys is to not worry, not stress, not be concerned about what anyone else thinks of you but to stay in your lane and do your own thing.

Be authentically you and don't apologize for it.
Can you think of how many King Clowns we've all come across in our daily lives as we hustle and bustle to make a life?

In fact, as I was reading this, I received a tweet from a young man who asked about whether or not I liked this book as I had noted I was 200 pages finished.

I mentioned to this new follower that I loved all Mark's books because of his raw honesty, empathy, compassion, and the human element of dignity and respect.

This person noted how his other book Arcadia; which dealt with heavy topics like suicide and depression, had triggered him so he paused in reading. So, I asked he revisit it when he was ready because it did end on a good note and I believe he would find it helpful.

As I looked back I noticed another reviewer only gave Arcadia 2 stars while many if not all awarded 5 star reviews. Upon reading this one reviewer notes - she noted how she couldn't get into this author's sense of humor and or passing judgement which I must've missed.
I read the same book and loved it. In fact the reason many don't like me is for the same reason they dislike this author-raw honesty.

You see that's the exact point this author is making. We need to calm down. We need to stop being so hysterical and anxiety stricken. We need to take things with a grain a salt and know that the sun will again rise and set. We need to breathe and let life and the chips fall where they may fall.

Why are we all so darn uptight? It's like people forgot how to not take everything so critically and they cannot wrap their minds around the pleasure of simply reading.
So many of us live our lives attached to the tv for our worth. So many view politics as life and death. So many of us take everything literally and want to rush to judgement even those that accuse others of the exact same.

This is the point the author is making- slow it down. Enjoy and love life. Stop the political right and left and find one politician that simply makes one smile and laugh.
Return to basics and stop the hate.

We live in a world where everyone has an opinion. A world in which we lost contact with our fellow man. We forgot how to communicate without being loud, rude, and crude.

What happened to that simpler more dignified way of life>the life in which you weren't competing to be the richest, the best, the most productive, the most energetic, the most accomplished?

Why must we be so competitive?

Why can't we just learn to live?

For those who still don't get this author's talent please read all his work before passing judgement on one book and I think you'll get the point.

What I love about this author is not only his work which is well written but his style and his back to basics approach in life.

This book in particular was so family oriented, career oriented, and added the element of hindsight in living and not just surviving.

I believe we owe it to ourselves to live our best life. Not rest on our laurels. To be self sufficient without entitlements. To be real and deeply inspired by the world around us and not so brainwashed by the media's objective to sway opinions and make profits in a profit making business.

We need to just STOP....and engage, react, and interact and do so in a way that makes us all smile.

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