Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Book Review: "The Jerusalem Assassin" By Joel C. Rosenberg

Imagine reading a book that is so true to current political events you almost have to wonder is this, "Deja Vu?"

This is in all actuality the first book I've read by Rosenberg but will not be my last; as less than half way through reading this Netgalley ARC I immediately went online and reserved two more in this series alone.

That's a testament to a wonderful writer who takes to heart his work and lives and breathes what he portrays to his readers. His knowledge, experience, and expertise was apparent in the reading.

I was on the edge of my seat right from the start & couldn't give this book up for nothing.

As I type this review I have the television tuned to the Impeachment Of 'DT' in the backdrop playing and I cannot imagine how our country and the world will fair but I can only pray neither experience what many survivors of malignant narcissists like myself have had to endure.

In fact, the similarities are striking and noted.

It's as shown here --Deny, Delay, Dimiss, Devalue, Discard, Destroy! Herein after the use of every means and tactic necessary to silence whether it be through smear campaigns,manipulation, brainwashing, threats, blackmail, gaslighting, smoke, fog, projection, mirroring, corruption, or the like.

The characters here are meaty, driven, and tenacious beyond words from all realms far and wide.

Certainly, Marcus Ryker our main special op will do everything he can to not allow an assassination at the Peace Summit via President Andrew Clarke.

In fact, the questions are posed to readers by this author to ponder ..Will Palestinian leaders resist peaceful efforts? Will Saudi's make peace with Israel even with a rejection from Palestinians?

So, this statement "I come in peace" may need to be re-examined in a different more striking light.

True as it may be Iran is at the center of it all the notion that it falls upon all of us to allow more love and less hate with more acceptance to diversity and race is apparent and severely needed.

Paranoia is in the air with suicide bombers on the rise right alongside terrorist and hackers daily.

Even though Ryker may have exposed the plot to kill the American President he may have also opened up a can of worms in exposing the extent terrorists will go to hide and stake claim to the countless innocent lives that will be disposed of in execution of the mission.

Thank goodness for those who serve to protect us and these special op units. 
The manner in which we must continue to stay on top of the latest security measures is crucial for all Americans and our Allies.

In closing the ending was striking and I can't wait to read the next work by Joel C. Rosenberg.

Thank you to the author, the pub, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

I hope you find it well and I hope you enjoy this new work.

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