Sunday, January 26, 2020

Book Review: "The Power of Favor" By Joel Osteen

"God helps you accomplish what you couldn't manage on your own. With His blessings, you stand out in the crowd and get breaks that you didn't deserve. The psalmist said, "God's favor surrounds us like a shield." That means that everywhere you go, you have an advantage, a divine empowerment, and a key to open up the right doors."

In fact the power of favor is all around us as we witness God in action.

The favor always wins! 

God will make the wrong's right!

God sees it, he feels it, he hears our cries for help.
He knows the disrespect, he will level the playing field, he will fight your battles.

Have faith in God as he endorses you, as he loves you.
You are made in the image and likeness of the Lord.
He will not forsake you. He will never leave you.

If God is for you who could be against you is something I hold to the heart after I myself was left bankrupt, homeless, LT unemployed from divorce.
When I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis with possible mild COPD (which was not diagnosed for insurance reasons) I was devastated. I never smoked but worked in a factory and was subjected to second hand smoke almost daily.

Back then the air pollutants policies were null and nearly void.

"Favor is more powerful than your resume." Is how I live my life as I've searched for employment for ten years being recently asked,"why I can't get hired and was told I come across as desperate and as if I'm owed something because I've volunteered."
I turned to the employer and said when you ask a negative your response will be the same.
Had you asked what I can offer to a prospective employer my answer would've been enormous with plenty of accolades and accomplishments personally and professionally that would entice the employer in showing what teamwork, perseverance, and leadership is all about.

"God prepares a table for me in the presence of enemies."

The more they bring me and my family down the higher the blessings we receive.
In fact, even while in and out of the hospital due to a compromised immune system having received a flu/pneumonia shot and still having the flu; I noticed that God didn't stop handing out blessings.

Upon returning home from having IV fluids I was informed that I was selected to be on Harlequin's blog tours. Intrigue and Carina Press with the first being a new look for the series and the latter being a month long blog tour.

Even though they are both unpaid opportunities I know God has my back and always has since my son was born with vater syndrome and I had placenta abruptio and both of us nearly died 19 yrs ago.

I end with this, I sent my kids to Catholic school for a reason. I assumed the Catholics would be warm, inviting, and supportive. When my son who was med disabled all his life graduated he received not only high honors, not only was he selected for the Bishop's Youth Award, but he also had perfect 4 yrs of attendance as a medically disabled individual.
The crowd scoffed, mocked, laughed at my son when he went to receive the award because apparently it's not the 'popular' thing to do and he was one of only two boys who had such an honor. Perhaps they might've been more welcoming if they knew since 2010 we were bankrupt, homeless, and his mother was left w/o income or child support and sought work for the past 10 yrs.

This is the new norm and while it's sad and disheartening it allows room for growth and I pray those reading this will think twice about how those on the receiving end struggling to survive in extreme poverty and who were left homeless without income might feel.
We live in a world where 'entitlements' is often used yet nobody wants a hand out but a hand up.

We are all one step away from the same experience in my case it was divorce, and medical issues, but in your case it may be different.

I pray you never experience the same as I've been subjected to over the years but I know it's wishful thinking because the world is on fast track all the time.

Stop and smell the roses. Live life to your fullest. Be authentically you. Don't worry about the haters as if you had none you wouldn't be doing it right.

Enjoy life. Love one another. Help one another. Never turn your back on your brother or sister.

We all have gifts to give. We are all God's children.

God bless,
Former Minister of Hospitality who had the collection basket ripped out of her hands upon wishing to be the only female in an all male group of ushers (St. Ignatius of Loyola Kingston Pa).

May god always provide the Power of Favor upon you!!!!

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