Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Book Review: "The Diarrhea Diaries" By Robert Emery

DT is repulsive to most intellectual Americans; those who know what manipulation, gaslighting, brainwashing can do to one's mindset.

For those not aware of such toxicity it's ad nauseam, exhausting, and ego centered with a feeling of above the norm or far superior.

This is the basic idea behind why we see so much lack of empathy, love, compassion, and nothing but hatred towards anyone and anything.

It's nonstop and by showcasing it - well- it has the adverse effect upon him.
What malignant narcissists in general do is seek attention, source of supply, they need their ego stroked daily.

By showcasing his off remarks or tweets it gives him more power because lets face it even negative attention is attention.

What one must do is stop giving this toxic individual your undivided attention.

Having been married and happily divorced I can tell you they are about the ME not the WE.
You're best line of defense is to ignore and walk away while maintaining strong boundaries and supportive structures to prevent hovering or retaliation.

You will never win against one because they are professional cons - the Don Juan's or chameleons who are able to easily adapt to any change in environment while constantly staying on the Jekyll and Hyde persona.

It's not worth your effort just pray for our country and get it and its enablers out of office.

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