Friday, January 31, 2020

Book Review: Robinson's Dream by Mark Lages

"Doesn't every author write about life?"

Shouldn't you simply do what you think is right?

After all what's tough love or even love in general?

What's a life worth living mean to you?

What's unconditional love to you especially if you're a parent?

Can you have responsibility and accountability and can you allow room in your heart for errors?

Would you be authentic if you knew nobody was watching?

How do you address human error? Do you falter? Do you dust off and go again? Do you wallow in pity and stay in depressive states?

The mind is an amazing part of the human body ...

The soul is a beautiful ongoing part of one's body...

Perfectly and undeniably flawed!

We live in a world in which there's so much pressure and stress to not only perform but to be successful.

Whether we are discussing life in general or educational and or professional goals that need to succeed is relevant.

Sometimes we need to separate ourselves for a second and just learn to live, be in the moment, feel the emotions, allow ourselves to be inherently flawed, and see the good in others.

In this newest work by Mark Lages we uncover all that's good in the world but yet the rough outer edges that make us question everything we've known and loved both in the past and in the present.

What if you're on your death bed and you began to dream....

What would your dreams entail?

Would they be like Robinson a married father, husband, son who had always wondered if his writing was good enough. Was he a good enough father and husband?

What about his past relationships? Would you alter your course if you could change the past?

What about historical moments- would you find fault with those who put you in harms way?

Would you seek peace for all of humanity and the world at large?

Many who returned from war will never be the same. What they encountered, the PTSD and trauma will live on long after the trauma has suspended, the nightly terrors reign supreme in their dreams.

Speaking of dreams this is the point of the entire story.

You can truly learn a lot about oneself from simply a dream.

Count your blessings!

"There are many people who despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach."

Are you one of them?

Is your worth tied to the labels attached to you?

Would you work if you were paid less>Do you love your job?

As they say, "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend."
No truer words ever spoken right there!!!

Do you live your life aiming to please others-Are you a people pleaser by nature?

Do you questions God's existence? Do you wonder about heaven and hell?
Do you believe in the other world upon your death?

What will be your lasting legacy?

Are you content with what you've achieved to date?

Could Robinson -our main character- be exhausted and overwhelmed and in delusion over the state of his parental skills? Is his son Robert just a mere 'THIEF' after stealing coins from his boss, or is he still a good son with son slight personal issues>shall we ask SATAN for the answer?


After all it's but a dream...REMEMBER as you read on....

Please don't get yourself flustered over the references as it's but only a dream.
For example, The bad things in life make us appreciate the good>TRUE?!
Love and Hate
War and Peace
Poverty and Wealth
Famine and Feast

You get the idea...

So, it brings us to this: What makes a man unique?

Surely, without the experience of pain comfort means nothing...Correct!
Lets face facts, our time here on Earth is limited.

So, why not live in the moment?

Perhaps you disagree; but Famous Clowns are all around us...
Now here's the danger zone: George Bush, Bill Clinton, DT, Dr. Phil McGraw (perhaps you missed the pics of his home)...
No, really this has quite a few heavy topics so be on guard: rape, c-sections, death, heaven/her, Satan, political references, infidelity, etc...but keep in mind it's a dream. Robinson's dream.

"It's one thing to dream up a story and another thing to sit at your desk and write it."

But, still the question is asked," Why do you write?"

Are you not merely a peddler of fiction, a story teller, or are you providing insight into the truth?

I suppose in the end everyone has the cup of tea and the variety they have chosen to accept...

I for one love everything this author has written and enjoy the inspiration, the empathy, the compassion, the soul.

As an empath all my life with some high energy -I'm often misunderstood- and as a scapegoat I've been often excluded.

The inclusion, the awareness, the insightful dialogue is absolutely welcomed!
I do hope you enjoy this as much as I did as the creative juices are what's worth more then the gold coins...

The the end it's about helping one another.
The diversity should be felt not excluded.

The love should be freely given but compromised by hate.
The emotions should be expressed not kept hidden.

Ride on my friends...Ride on!

Thank you to Mark for this fab copy!

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