Friday, January 24, 2020

Book Review: "A Life On Edge" By Sheila Weller

I truly believe you often have to wonder are you crazy or just surrounded by A-holes?

While she may have been diagnosed bi-polar there's also plenty of doctors willing to make a buck on anxiety meds and addictions -see Opiod Crisis in America!

I would also note those of us in abusive marriages know the first thing the man notes upon exiting out -is their ex was 'crazy.' There's a reason why. They can't get the next target lined up when we know the truth about them so they create this falsehood to make the women appear abnormal or off center. She sure as hell accomplished a lifetime of accolades while being labeled as 'bi-polar' with manic episodes.

Just sayin' women are showcased in a different light and Carrie struggled with weight, peer acceptance, social conflicts, and other male actors who were degrading, obnoxious if not disgusting in their commentary directed to her. I believe the one comment was 'wanna fuck' or something along those lines. Verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse is all abuse and shouldn't be tolerated and yes it's a form of manipulation and psych trauma which most likely shaped her psyche.

In this memoir it's more about her life from a young girl being raised in chaos, infidelity, drugs, divorces to the latter hard core drugs-parties- and round the clock attempts to live in the shadow of her famous parents.

Though her life was not easy she made the best out of an unbelievable situation and became not only a well known actress in her own right but also a top selling writer.

The sadness of it all was the loss of her self in the process. A process that took a toll upon her. A process in which once you lose your child because of your drug dependency you lose your world.

It seemed her downfall was more than just her mental illness, her drug addiction, her unfiltered structure of support, it was herself.

I applaud her for speaking out against her demons and hope those who need the help are in a position to not only get the help but receive it!

My heart goes out to her family and friends as I'm sure it was not easy on them.

The author did a magnificent job in giving us a glimpse into her life and tragically her end.

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