Sunday, January 19, 2020

Book Review: "You Can't Catch Me" By Catherine McKenzie

To catch a swindler you need to play the game! But that game could be deadly! 

Deception is the name of the game. A con artists dream. Victim's nightmares.
So many unwitting individuals all with one thing in common a name.

Ex journalist Jessica Williams seems unable to catch a break. She decides a trip to Mexico is a dream and heads off for Rest and Relaxation.

Upon boarding she meets Jessica 2 and they strike up a conversation to find more similarities.

Roughly a week later Jessica's informed her bank account funds are gone and she's downright pissed seeking answers where they might not be any.
Even the police didn't seem interested in such a low level crime so she turns to her friend Liam an investigator and therein begins the madness.

It turns out there's plenty of action behind this one name and social media is a treasure trove of information to uncovering the past and the truths.


With a string of victims the only thing left to do is catch a thief in the making....
Can she succeed?

A beautiful mix of twist, turns, chaos, chills, and thrills at the finest level of craftsmanship.

Loved it!

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