Monday, January 20, 2020

Book Review: "One Little Lie" By Colleen Coble

At what point does a secret become a full blown lie?

This is the dilemma facing our main character who is on the hunt for her father's innocence but a journalist may stand in her way.

Reid is documenting her new sheriff position after her father retired but he's now facing criminal charges for a theft he may not have committed. In the process of charging him with one crime he's charged with a far more serious crime of MURDER?!


Is he being framed? Is someone out to destroy him?

Is vendetta the answer after escaping a cult all those years ago?

Is it someone from her mother's past since she refused to leave the cult?

After all Jane was so young only 15yo when she experienced a 'mother's love' like no other but she was under the assumption it was all turned to 'ashes'. 

With not much more to go on we learn there's a plot to kill and an even bigger shocker in that the webs we weave may be elusive yet exclusive.

WOW!... Fast paced, tightly wrapped action, fab characters, all around a joy to read.

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