Sunday, February 9, 2020

Book Review: "Can You See Me" By Lynne Lee

"Would you know if someone was watching you?"
Would you blindly follow someone off the cliff?

Would you help a troubled person in need especially one with a mental illness and or drug addiction?
Lessons are meant to be learned.

What if you are simply too gullible and believe everything you are told?

I have a saying for those who fall for the trap, remember that even fool's gold shines...especially with regards to personality trait disorders such as narcissism.

So with this said lets begin -Shall we?!
This started off as a fresh new perspective on a unique situation.

One in which Julia's husband passed away suddenly, a young 'London' boy is found on the beach, and his bag has something not only of monetary value but of significant value to her.

Now the million dollar question is how did this young man named Kane (Cain as in the bible - "intelligent warrior") have been able to possess such an item.
The only clues are the 'butterfly tats' on his wrist.

Was it a theft? Is he a stalker? Is there much more than meets the eye?
You know as a 'kept woman' myself as termed so lovely by my ex husband I learned to not only survive but after I left spread my wings and fly.

I enjoyed the significance of the moth and butterfly and the direct tie ins to the characters actions especially with regard to the cocoon stage, the formation, the flying away in the end.

It's all leading to one main point- Survival!

In the end, it's all that's needed to survive but once escaped it's about thriving.
Here we have ironically both. The need to belong. The need to be heard. The need to be loved.

What tangled webs we weave.

'Like a moth to a flame.'

In the end you can full some of the people some of the time but in the end; Karma -comes a knocking!

This is worth more than 5 stars but I cannot provide them all so safe to say - READ THIS ONE STAT!

I hope you enjoy.

Thank you to Lynne for her amazing writing skills and her pub for bringing her to us.

What a great weekend read...

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