Monday, February 3, 2020

Book Review: "The German House" By Annette Hess

A fire ball of action and suspense as it's set during WWII when all hell has just broken loose.

As we investigate the case we come across EVA hired to translate during the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials of 1963.

She has high hopes to leave it all behind that's until she came upon DAVID who has hired her for the war crimes trial even though her suitor Jurgen was set to propose.

Now, it's a rush to judgment as she encounters her family's hidden secrets and now must self examine upon questioning why her parents stayed silent all these years.

With new found revelations coming out she has but one goal- to bring justice to those who have been harmed - and make the Nazis pay for their crimes.

She is one tough and fiery prosecutor who stops at nothing but the truth.

But will she be able to handle the truth and expose the dark side?

A fab new read by Annette Hess

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