Sunday, February 2, 2020

Book Review: "Finding Chika" By Mitch Albom

Love, Loss, and the Pursuit of Happiness and HOPE!

When I first read this I was literally and figuratively blown away.

The pictures, the written word, the emotions just flowed from every page.

The life of Chika- a little girl, an earthquake, an orphanage, and a family that desperately loved her for who she was and for her courage.

Sadly, she was stricken ill with a life altering that they hoped the American doctors might be able to cure.

What they didn't expect was to fall in love so deeply, to uncover a heroic little girl that would win the hearts of all those who embarked on her journey, and a world deeply changed by having her in it.

"Chika died last spring, when the trees in our yard were beginning to bud, as they are budding now, as it is spring again. Her absence left us without breath, or sleep, or appetite, and my wife and I stared straight ahead for long stretches until someone spoke to snap us out of it.”

"Hopelessness can be contagious. But hope can be, too, and there is no medicine to match it. Chika’s believing in us helped us believe in ourselves.”

While it's a sad story in the end it's also an inspiring story of love, family, and the will to survive and thrive while celebrating the life of such a sweet and special child.

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