Friday, February 28, 2020

Book Review: "Cross Justice" By James Patterson

If you think you'll have this one figured out from the start you'll be wrong.

So much more is on the horizon, so much about interracial relationships, about inner hurts, and about a final appeal for justice and truths.

While this book was extremely slow moving, with character introductions that named familial relationships which made it difficult to follow, in the end it all came together but it wasn't until the last chapter.

The main question readers might have is about the more ways than one involving not only those who lost their lives but also those fighting to find answers like Cross.

Coach Stefan is all in this mess as he's been accused of an unthinkable crime involving rape.

He's facing some steep charges but are those charges accurate?

What if he was framed with his own bodily fluids?

Now there's a new one....I can't imagine anyone going to the extremes as was portrayed here but James is one heck of a story teller.

Did Finn Davis have anything more to add to these interesting final moments?
I mean after all there's more than one death here and a young man lost his life but the reasons are even more damning.

My word if the bodily fluids wasn't enough of a twister how about a tornado with the whole issue surrounding the death of Rashawn Turnball.

Of course, the usual players are in this one: Drugs, trafficking, corruption, money laundering, blackmail, & racial tensions.

You see Rashawn was once called a 'black bastard' which obviously shows motive but also madness.

I cannot believe anyone could do what occurred here but to involve family....double nasty!


Interesting dynamics at play throughout this one.

Keep on track and stay on target...Don't lose sight of the end goal which is JUSTICE for ALL!

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